Jim Kent:

"Human change initiatives must work at social, economic, and ecological levels if they are to succeed."

Archive for the ‘Social-Economic Analysis’ Category

Deep Democracy: A Movement Towards Heart and Soul Governance

Posted by Jim on September 1, 2009

This op.ed. piece was written right after President Obama won the 2008 election for President.  It is about the informal systems in our world society that maintain deep democracy and how formal systems of government can come into alignment with this phenomena for a new era of governance as illustrated by President Vaclav Havel of the Czech Republic discussed below.

Deep Democracy:  Reflections on a National Movement toward Heart and Soul Governance–by Jim Kent

Inspired by a heartfelt message of hope, Americans have set a new national precedent for the core principles by which we govern ourselves. In our recent presidential race, Barack Obama campaigned on a heart and soul vision of personal responsibility, participation, compassion, shared sacrifice, social justice, democratic economic systems and change that benefits everyone. In doing so, the unlikely candidate of hope became the 44th United States President Elect, as well as an inspiration to millions of people around the world. During his breathtaking road to victory, the philosophy on which he ran propelled attributes of heart and the soul to the forefront of public consciousness. Citizens in astounding numbers rose up to act on his powerful slogan, “Yes we can,” and so began reversal of the appalling social and governmental trends that had been devouring our nation.

The world has witnessed other examples of rapid social and political change that were driven by deeply held core principles of a society. In a similarly historic election, presidential candidate V’aclav Havel galvanized the people of Czechoslovakia for a precedent that also swept the nation.  In 1989 a movement known as the “Velvet Revolution,” saw the relinquishment of political power by the communists and set the first free elections since 1946. Through this peaceful revolution, Czechoslovakia moved from a dark and closed centralized society to a vibrant, free, enterprise-centered civic order with astonishing rapidity. By l992, only three short years after Havel came onto the scene, individual business vendors in Prague lined the Charles Bridge, churches were well on their way to complete historic restoration, and private enterprise flourished throughout the city and countryside—an amazing phenomena given the long oppression.

One can point to two underlying factors for democracy’s fast recovery that bear on our recent electoral experience.  The first factor is whatever culture is in place when autocrats or elected officials with self-serving interests gain power is the culture by-and-large that will emerge when the oppression is overcome. Prior to the communist takeover, Czechoslovakia had a high degree of civic order and culture that quickly returned after the peaceful overthrow of the regime. The second factor concerns the cultural mechanisms that continue functioning when a government pursues an agenda based on rewarding the few and oppressing the many. These cultural mechanisms are the informal communication and caretaker networks invisible to the oppressors that grow stronger under top-down pressure in order for the people to survive and maintain their culture. They operate within natural gathering places and preserve the heart and soul of their civic order. Coffee shops, barbershops, beauty parlors, bars, restaurants, schools, soccer fields, open air markets, town squares and parks, as well as the newer public arenas of blogs and email, give people the chance to interact with each other, daily and intimately.

Informal caretaker and communication networks are strongly linked to our gathering places, because here personal exchanges freely flow and bonds of trust are maintained. It is in these informal networks that the beliefs, traditions, stories, and values are preserved, usually out of sight of formal systems such as government. Informal networks and gathering places are the horizontal elements that bind together society’s heart and soul, while top down, hierarchical and vertical administrative orders tend to breed internal cultures of their own that often fall out of sync with the communities and societies that they supposedly serve.  The power of these societal elements occurring within the gathering places and informal networks held the pre-1989 Czech culture together and thus offered a foundation for survival during the many years of occupation and oppression. Informal networks and gathering places are the horizontal structures that hold a society’s heart and soul together. Top down, vertical administrative structures, do not hold a society’s heart and soul.

In his New Year’s Address to the Nation given in Prague on January 1, 1990, President Havel offered profound insights on his country’s political experience that have meaning to us. The powerful factors of gathering places and informal networks held the pre-1989 Czech culture together so that it survived years of occupation and oppression. The inter-generational heart and soul of the country actually thrived through these word-of-mouth informal networks – the  underground so to speak, in the gathering places.

Let us not be mistaken: the best government in the world, the best parliament and the best president, cannot achieve much on their own. And it would be wrong to expect a general remedy from them alone. Freedom and democracy include participation and therefore responsibility from us all. If we realize this, then all the horrors that the new Czechoslovak democracy inherited will cease to appear so terrible. If we realize this, hope will return to our hearts.

The recent period—and in particular the last six weeks of our peaceful revolution—has shown the enormous human, moral and spiritual potential, and the civic culture that slumbered in our society under the enforced mask of apathy. And let us ask:

Where did the young people who never knew another system get their desire for truth, their love of free thought, their political ideas, their civic courage and civic prudence?

How did it happen that their parents—the very generation that had been lost—joined them?

How is it that so many people immediately knew what to do and none needed any advice or instruction?

Havel’s answer to these questions also can be relevant to us.

I think there are two main reasons…First of all, people are never just a product of the external world; they are also able to relate themselves to something superior, however systematically the external world tries to kill that ability in them. Secondly, the humanistic and democratic traditions, about which there had been so much idle talk, did after all slumber in the unconsciousness of our nations and ethnic minorities, and were inconspicuously passed from one generation to another, so that each of us could discover them at the right time and transform them into deeds.”

When deeply held core principles and values re-surfaced, Havel’s government was able immediately to adopt related tenets and visions for a successful realignment of the people with the administrative order bringing together the informal and formal systems.

The U.S. election of 2008 and the Czech election in 1989 show us that the more closed the formal system, the stronger and more effective the informal caretaking and communication networks become. We have seen this at work in our own society over the last eight years.  In 2000 America also was a democratic and prosperous nation whose citizens were filled with excitement, individual opportunity, creative enterprise, hope for the future, and a surplus in our Treasury. By 2008 we suffered economic collapse and a lose of hope.

Barack Obama responded to this lose of hope by campaigning relentlessly in informal networks and gathering places. In these networks he found our will, our sense of purpose and our best intentions.  Even his acceptance speech illustrates this – delivered to hundreds of thousands of Chicagoans in Grant Park – a vast public gathering place, he said, “This is your victory. Yes we can, Yes, we did it.”

Barack Obama accessed and awakened the slumbering desire for participation that is deeply held and imbedded in our people. We were ready to be awakened.  He clearly understands that when the beliefs, traditions, spirit of change, and hopes of our people are aligned in our formal administrative bodies, we can whole-heartedly look forward to a new era of successful citizen-energized governance that will bring about a rapid recovery in the same manner that the Czech Republic experienced.  Understanding this cultural process that harbored our heart and soul in the informal networks, and keeping the cultural process successfully engaged in our governance will accelerate the changes we are about to experience and in which we will participate.

Realizing that our new government is based on the pursuit of freedom, liberty, justice, and democratic principles of life we will once again have a government that is “of and by” the people.

Jim Kent is a community organizer and social ecologist. He carries out his work through the Center for Social Ecology and Public Policy and James Kent Associates. He can be reached at jkent@jkagroup.com or www.jkagroup.com

©JKA Group 2009

Jim Kent is known internationally as a community organizer, a social ecologist, social activist, and an entrepreneur. He has successfully built three businesses that foster a crisis prevention social and cultural model for action.

His first company, the JKA Group, trains and consults locally, regionally, nationally and internationally with private and public organizations. The non-profit organization, The Center for Social Ecology and Public Policy teaches policy formation through the lens of social ecological principles. Natural Borders, LLC is a human geographic mapping company using the overlay of human and cultural boundaries for mapping social landscapes within which people live and work and play. He developed a social, economic and ecological model for action, known as The Discovery Process. This process applies specific tools used to assist governments, businesses and individuals, to use their culture to gain participation, predictability and control of their lives.  He lectures and teaches widely on the importance of the use of these informal systems.

Jim Kent’s work within the informal cultural systems of South China assisted in opening telecommunication opportunities for several American businesses in the late 1980’s.  He developed the hallmark Social Responsive Management system within the United States Forest Service, and was awarded the 75th Anniversary Gifford Pinchot Award. Mr. Kent assisted with the development and implementation of the Great Society Programs that included:  Head Start, Neighborhood Health Centers, and Administration of Justice and Teacher Corps. He has worked 12 years with the Bureau of Land Management in assisting
Field Offices to work with community based stewardship and adaptive management principles.  The BLM has adopted his Human Geographic Mapping system.

Posted in Deep Democracy, Social-Economic Analysis | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

Jim’s writting a New Social Ecology Column about the Science of Community

Posted by Jim on August 12, 2009

I am excited to be writing a new column for the International Right of Way Associations Magazine (IRWA) under the newly formed department called “Social Ecology–Leveraging the Science of Community.”  To my knowledge this is the first time in history that an international engineering association has offered a column on the use of social ecology.  The following is a release on why the IRWA decided to have a column that brings a very different approach to how companies operate in relation to communities.  This was written for IRWA members.

” Barbara Billitzer, publisher and editor of International Right of Way Magazine, has invited James A. Kent, President of the JKA Group, to contribute a bi-monthly column on a vital and increasingly important concept: the importance of working effectively with informal networks in a community when proposed site and corridor projects impact them.  Barbara described it well:  

“Attaining early community participation on newly planned infrastructure projects is no longer a luxury proposition. When local residents are embraced during the introductory stages, miraculous results follow. From faster approval to accelerated project schedules, the strategy of managing community issues works.”

When I met many of the IRWA members after my talk at the annual conference in June, I was not surprised by the number of people who had never considered “informal networks” and how they operate.   Informal networks are horizontal in nature, unlike formal systems that are vertical.  The networks have eight community archetypes that  manage the heart and soulof everyday life in a community.  For more than 40 years, my colleagues and I have been involved with these networks in successfully delivering projects that potentially create disruptive issues in the community.

Through these columns, I will provide you with insight into new ways of doing business in communities–ways that are often more effective and rewarding than most current practices.   We call our approach social ecology, the science of community.  We know that if we take certain steps to identify, listen to and involve the community on the front end of a project, then provide strategic follow through, we get good results.  The predictability in community work that we have developed can be passed on to you – opening the door for a better community and better society through successful projects that address issues at the site and corridor specific level.

Identifying and connecting with the informal networks in communities are key to a successful engagement process.   Most of us understand the value of networking as a verb.  However, the idea of a “network” as a noun, that is, as a thing to be described and mobilized, is foreign to the experience of many.  Frankly, if the issues of informal networks and their implications are not well understood in a project-development approval process, you and your project team will be sitting ducks when you walk into a formal meeting where “group-think” prevails.

With a traditional approach dominated by a formal process, the real issues in the community that can make or break the project are often missed entirely.  In a formal approach, as many as 90 percent of the people being affected are often not engaged and do not show up at the public meetings and hearings.   Exclusive reliance on the formal approach carries with it the dynamics to create “government by ambush” which stops projects at both the site and corridor level.

In the coming months, I will tell stories that show how informal networks operate in a community setting and how they influence project approval.  When these horizontal systems are understood and engaged, opportunity is created for new projects to optimize social, economic and ecological benefits in a local area building a community’s heart and soul.  Citizens become your partners and collaborators because you are addressing their issues of survival and attachment to place.”

Jim Kent, James Kent Associates, Post Office 1267, Basalt, Colorado, 81621 USA 1-970-927-4424,  international@jkagroup.comJim Kent is a global social ecologist with extensive experience in successfully implementing economic redesign by crafting empowered partnerships between corporations, communities and governments.

Posted in Social-Economic Analysis | 2 Comments »

Economics is a by-product of human activity

Posted by Jim on July 12, 2009

Economics is a by product of human activities (Krugman, Brooks) We cannot drive the recovery merely from an economic formula. We need sociologists, antropologists, social ecologists to work at the human level to create the opportunities that will fuel the recovery from the bottom-up. A profession with no accountability is dangerous to themselves and the people and institutions they impact. Action must be there at the human level for recovery not further up the food chain.

Posted in Culture/Social – Marketing, Social-Economic Analysis | 1 Comment »

Welcome To Jim Kent’s Blog: Initialization

Posted by Harley Powers Parks on June 15, 2009

Welcome. This post provides a baseline entry with the appropriate categories, tags, pages, links, comments, media, layout, logging in, and anything else that can help to help start and administrate the blog.  Thank you for your time, contribution, and understanding.

Posted in Crisis Intervention, Culture/Social – Marketing, Deep Democracy, Educational Programs, Human Geographic Mapping, Innovations in Management, Issue Resolution, Market Segments, Public Policy Inititatives, Public Service Projects, Social-Economic Analysis, Sustainable Development, Trend Projections | Tagged: | 3 Comments »